Great Start!!
First and foremost, I must thank the families for such a warm welcome in my first term as Principal of Tameside primary Academy. Every piece of feedback given to myself and leadership team will only make the academy a better place to be. Please, do not stop giving us honest feedback. I feel very proud and lucky to have such a great team of staff behind me in school as we strive to make Tameside Primary Academy the best it can be.
Each half term, I will send out a half termly update instead of the monthly updates. This way I feel that we are not bombarding parents with lots of small correspondences. To supplement the half termly newsletters, we will use class dojo to informally contact parents. Please make sure you have signed up. There are now new homework procedures in place which I have no doubt will only improve the progress made by or youngsters.
We will continue to engage with our families and build bridges in our mission in giving the people that matter most—our brilliant children—an education to be proud of.
As the new year begins, I will be contacting parents about starting a family forum so that we can continue to improve Tameside Primary Academy going into the future.
Mr M Hill,
Principal of Tameside Primary Academy.