Personal Development

The personal development of our pupils involves all areas of school life including academic, personal and spiritual.

Alongside academic developmentpersonal development helps to develop the whole child and ensure that all the children in our care will be ready to face the world of today.

Our curriculum extends beyond the academic and aims to support children to develop ‘as a whole child’ in many diverse aspects of life. Personal Development includes a range of areas, from Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC), British Values, PSHE, Relationships and Sex education (RSE) and the broad range of positive personal traits and dispositions so that children reflect wisely, learn eagerly and build the confidence they need to flourish.

We recognise the importance of helping our children build their own personal values, have positive relationships and become responsible young citizens. It is imperative that for our wider community, we support our pupils to develop into kind, thoughtful and reflective young people who can live and learn alongside others with different beliefs, cultures and lifestyles. We also provide many opportunities for pupils to develop their self-confidence and a positive self-esteem.  As such, Personal Development is a fundamental aspect of school life and is promoted in several key ways throughout the school.


What are we aiming to achieve?

The Four Columns of Personal Development create a firm foundation for children to grow and thrive:

Own Personal Values – We support our pupils in developing into kind, thoughtful and reflective young people who are able to live and learn alongside others with different personalities, beliefs, cultures and lifestyles.

Broaden Horizons – We offer new and exciting experiences to ignite new passions, create lifelong memories and prepare our pupils for a world full of opportunity.

Seen as an Individual – We want all our pupils to be given the room to be successful, pursue their interests with confidence and grow into well-rounded young people.

Happy and Protect Themselves – We provide pupils with the knowledge, environment and experience they need to ensure they are able to keep safe and resilient.


The 8 Strands within Personal Development

We have identified 8 main strands for Personal Development. Each strand focuses on a specific element of Personal Development which we as a Trust believe are vital to develop ‘the whole child’: