Thank you as ever for the support shown last half term. The pandemic decided it was not quite finished with us and delivered the omicron variant to us. We seem to have come out of the other end now which is great for our school community and families. Attendance is improving.
Despite the pandemic complications, we still managed to carry on as much as we could with school life for the children. We have continued with swimming, trips for children, visitors in school, after school clubs and also residentials. This is testament to the support from families and also the resilience of the staff here at Tameside. I’m forever indebted to the commitment shown to our children.
I’m hoping for a much settled half term in Spring, and resumption to a much more normal life where we can safely invite families into school more often as we learn to live with Covid-19.
Please keep your eyes open for invites for safer internet training, Year 2 SATs meetings, Year 4 multiplication test meeting and parent workshops this half term.
Mr Hill